
Our integrated approach incorporates both research-based and time-tested treatments to include manual spinal manipulation, manual joint mobilization, flexion and distraction therapy, shockwave therapy, spinal decompression, and corrective exercise.

Dr. Neil Halvorsen


Small-Group Personal Training

Our small-group personal training monthly memberships are aimed at helping individuals achieve pain-free function by achieving recommended physical activity levels.

Dr. Neil Halvorsen


Massage Therapy

A combination of several massage and stretching techniques will help improve your mobility. Available in 30, 60, 90 and 120 minute sessions.

Andrew Schneider


Lindsey Schneider


Public Safety Health & Wellness

Salute's Public Safety Health & Wellness program was developed for the following occupations: Fire Service, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, Corrections, Security and Military. We offer both individual programs as well as department-wide programs.

Dr. Neil Halvorsen


Open Lift

Open Lift is an exclusive opportunity for both members and non-members to elevate their training experience. This unique offering allows fitness enthusiasts to reserve one of our three fully outfitted Rogue power racks for their personal lifting sessions.

**Key Features:**

1. Reserved Power Racks: Choose from our selection of three meticulously maintained Rogue power racks, each equipped to meet the highest standards of safety and performance.

2. Flexible Reservation Options: Tailor your workout to your schedule with reservation slots available for 30, 60, or 90 minutes. This flexibility ensures that your fitness routine seamlessly integrates into your busy lifestyle.

3. Impressive Weight Variety: Our power racks come loaded with a diverse assortment of iron and bumper plates, totaling 615 lbs. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned lifter, you'll find the perfect challenge for your strength levels.

4. Comprehensive Equipment: Each power rack is furnished with its own 35 lbs bar, 45 lbs bar, hex bar, and pulley system. These accessories provide you with a comprehensive range of exercises to target every muscle group effectively.

**Reservation Process:**

To make a reservation, simply contact our front desk or utilize our convenient online booking system. Whether you're focusing on powerlifting, bodybuilding, or general strength training, Open Lift offers the ideal environment to hone your skills and achieve your fitness goals.